The Travel Agents Association of New Zealand – TAANZ


The Travel Agents Association of New Zealand (TAANZ) was incorporated in 1962 and today represents more than 90% of all travel agents/travel advisors operating in New Zealand. TAANZ is unique having its own Bonding Scheme and agreement with IATA and its airline constituents through the TAANZ IATA agreement formed in 2011. The TAANZ Bonding Authority has the responsibility for the review of its members’ financial positions and calculating and administering the securities of its members. TAANZ has the enviable position of never once in its history failing to realise the security of travel agents/travel advisors in default.

TAANZ sets and upholds professional standards through a rigorous accreditation of travel agency selling staff and travel agency approved travel brokers.

Its strength is in its ability to offer advocacy, business advice and education to travel agents/travel advisors and their staff. Its focus is on ensuring the customer is at all times attuned to the benefits of using a TAANZ Bonded travel agent/travel advisor.

TAANZ travel agents/travel advisors are responsible for 70% of air sales and more than 80% of total travel sales and employ and contract 3,000 travel industry workers.
